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작성일 : 09-10-02 05:36
Hello everyone!
 글쓴이 : 이벤
조회 : 2,076  
Hello everyone ^^

How’re you?
I hope all of you are fine!

I’ve had a really nice time since I came back to Denmark.
It has been great to spend time with my family and friends.
Unfortunately, I haven’t got a job yet,
but I'll keep applying and hopefully I’ll get a job soon.

The weather was wonderful last month,
but it has got colder during the last week and autumn has begun.

I’ll get visitors from Japan after two weeks,
so I’ve been preparing a schedule for sightseeing in
Copenhagen and the countryside,
so I hope the weather will be nice.

By the way,
then I’m coming to Korea next year for vacation ^-^
I’ll arrive on April 2nd and leave on April 21st.
I intend to come over and join a worship service ^-^
Where I'm looking forward to see you all again!

Take care and God bless you.

Best regards from Iben

박명은 09-10-04 00:40
Wow~ Iben~  *^______________________^*
이벤 09-10-04 08:05
I'm really looking forward to come to Korea
and I can't wait to see you again ^-^
장혜정 09-10-04 13:43
Hi, Iben!
Good to hear that you're coming to Korea next year.
I will be looking forward to having you back here and praying that God helps you to find a job!
이벤 09-10-06 05:14
Thank you! ^-^

I'm looking forward to see you again!
Please take care and see you next year ^-^
김기도 09-10-06 09:20
Hej, Iben :-)
Hvordan har du det?
(All sentences came from google. ㅋㅋㅋ)
이벤 09-10-06 16:11
Wow, I didn't expect you to type in Danish!
It's totally correct spelling and grammar
- I'm impressed! Well done ^-^
I’m fine, thanks – how’re you? ㅋㅋㅋ
박명은 09-10-06 19:05
이벤 09-10-06 19:49
Google is amazing ^-^ ㅋㅋㅋ
박지이 09-10-06 23:29
Hi, Iben ^^
이벤 09-10-07 04:13
Hi ^-^
How're you?